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his most notalble accomplishment was as an explorer he commanded the first expedition to circumnavigate the world.

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Q: In world history what did Ferdinand Magellan accomplished?
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Why was Ferdinand Magellan famous in history?

he was in command of the first voyage around the world

What was Ferdinand Magellan aims?

Ferdinand Magellan's aim was to circumnavigate the world.

What are the positive impacts of Ferdinand Magellan?

Ferdinand Magellan was the first explorer to circumnavigate the world. Alright Ferdinand Magellan!

What is the name of the explorer led the first expedition around the world?

The first expedition around the globe was led by Ferdinand Magellan.

Who accomplished the first circumnavigate of the earth?

Ferdinand Magellan's voyage was the first to sail around the world. Magellan himself died on the voyage, and only 19 of his 237 crew survived the trip.

Who accomplished the first circumnavigation of the earth?

Ferdinand Magellan's voyage was the first to sail around the world. Magellan himself died on the voyage, and only 19 of his 237 crew survived the trip.

Is there any place in the world named after Ferdinand Magellan?

The Magellan Pass Strait and Magellan Sea

How did Ferdinand Magellan travel?

Across the world

What was Ferdinand Magellan Dream?

His dream was to follow Christopher Columbu's footsteps

Where did Magellan sail and why?

Ferdinand Magellan's ship was the first to sail around the world. he sailed for Spain. Ferdinand did not survive the voyage.

Ferdinand magellen is famous for --- the gobe?

Ferdinand Magellan is famous for circumnavigating the world.

His crew sailed aound the world?

Ferdinand Magellan