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Yes, and no. Deborah Sampson s her maiden name, Debroah Gannet is her married name.

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Q: Is Deborah Sampson gannet and Deborah Sampson the same person?
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What was life like for Deborah Sampson?

Deborah Sampson's life was good but bad at the same time because ...Good:1.she got to join the war2.she had a nice family3.she had a long time before she was discovered4.part time job as a teacher5.Deborah was a good helper6.a lot of people know her as a man(Deborah Sampson ~aka~ Robert shurtliff)Bad:1.her father had drowned in a storm while at sea2.she got stabbed on the side of her head with a sword3.she got shot in the thigh with 2 musket balls4.they discovered that she was a woman5.she died from a yellow fever6.long life until she turned 66(sob sob)

How do you say Sampson in German?

As a rule, names are not translated so it remains the same, Sampson.

What are characters traits about Deborah Sampson?

Deborah Sampson was a woman who wanted to fight in the Revolutionary War, but they wouldn't let her because she was a woman. She disguised herself as a man named Robert Shurtliff and fought better than some of the men! She later got wounded but removed the bullet all by herself so no one would find out that she was a woman. She also got a fever later, and the doctor eventually found out she was a woman. She was honorably discharged from the army and was given a pension of $4 a month after Paul Revere wrote to Congress on her behalf.

How do you you say Debbie or Deborah in Polish language because It's her birthday?

"Debbie" or "Deborah". The common form of a name may change from language to language (Peter/Pedro/Petrov etc.), but a given person's name doesn't (or at least shouldn't).

Where can you get the same hat as George Sampson?

he gets most of he hats from new era :D

Is The Breadwinner by Deborah Ellis the same book as Parvana by Deborah Ellis?

No, Parvana's Journey by Deborah Ellis is the 2nd book in the trilogy. The third book is called Mud City. Parvana's Journey is about her search for her missing family and Mud City is about her friend, Shauzia.

When is pun used in Romeo and Juliet?

The play is full of puns, usually dirty ones. The play starts out with Sampson and Gregory punning Sampson: Gregory, on my word, we'll not carry coals Gregory: No, for then we shall be colliers. Sampson: I mean, an we be in choler, we'll draw. Gregory: Ay, while you live, draw your neck out of collar. The puns here are on "collier" (which means a person who delivers coal), "choler" (which means anger) and "collar" (which means the same as it does nowadays, although Gregory is probably thinking of a "hempen necktie", a noose)

Who is george Sampson dating?

At the momment , George is single but he did say that he would like to have a girlfriend who can dance so that they can share the same passion.

What was the first number 1 single released by Deborah Gibson?

The first number 1 single released by Debbie Gibson was 'Lost in Your Eyes'. A year later she released 'Foolish Beat' and it was the first #1 single to be written, produced and performed by the same person.

What is gannet chart?

If you mean Gantt chart; it is a method of graphically charting the critical path of a project. As an example you must first lay the foundation of a house before you can frame but once you are done framing you can both roof and wire at the same time.

Who sang 'A String of Pearls'?

the song i know of is by Deborah conway an Aussie from the 90's she had an album by the same name.

What was Deborah Sampson's role in the American Revolution war?

If you were to compare anyone to Deborah Sampson it would be Joan of Arc who was a female dressed in mens armour who fought for the french during a war with the same country (United Kingdom). She also was considered to be very young to fight even if she was a man.