The proud and noble Welsh surname of Howell is found in the ancient records of Monmouthshire, where they had held a family seat.
Sorry, the House of Names website has no listing for this surname.
"Little" is the meaning behind the proud and noble Welsh surname of Baugh.
The origin of this surname appears to be English or Welsh (not "Jewish" as previously stated on this page).
Welsh & Irish
the surname howells is welsh
No, Taylor is not a Welsh surname. It originated in England as an occupational surname for a tailor, someone who makes or alters clothing.
From a surname website: The surname Evans is of Welsh origin.
The proud and noble Welsh surname of Howell is found in the ancient records of Monmouthshire, where they had held a family seat.
It is a Welsh surname meaning 'son of David'
Sorry, the House of Names website has no listing for this surname.
From welsh Gypsies
Probably Welsh
Yes, Thomas is a common Welsh surname which originated from the first name Thomas. It is one of the most popular surnames in Wales.
the surname Morgan comes from Ireland and is a common first middle and sur name