No, he is simply your sister in law's husband. He has no relationship with you. The reason she is called your sister-in-law and is because it is expected for a husband and wife to have children, and those children will join your family tree as they have some ancestors who are also your ancestors. Your sister-in-law's husband will never have ancestors that are also your ancestors.
Mesopotamia's 6th Babylonian leader Hammurabi made 282 laws.
If your brother-in-law's daughter is by your sister, she is your niece. If your brother-in-law's daughter is by someone else, she is genealogically not in your family tree.
Roman laws covered just about all the areas that present day laws cover. There were laws for personal rights and for business rights. They did have twists to their laws that we do not have, such as a person being exiled and losing his property, or the suspension of civil law during the term of a dictator. They also had laws pertaining to slaves and their treatment which we do not have.
Antigone believes that the laws created by the gods, stand stronger than the laws made by man. She thinks that the laws of god are unquestionably unbreakable while the laws of man are. "These laws- I was not about to break them, not out of fear of some man's wounded pride, and face the retribution of the gods." (509). She also notes that all man has to do is enforce the laws of god.
The Executive branch has the power to Veto laws made by the legislative branch(Congress).IT also can reenforce laws
Your sister in law is your husband's sister or your brother's wife.
Your wife's sister's husband is your wife's brother-in-law, but is not related to you.
If you get divorced from your husband, all of his relatives stop being referred to as your in-laws.
Yes, I suppose that they would be sister-in-laws. Because your sister is your husband's sister-in-law, and the other sister is his sibling, then I suppose they would be sister-in-laws.
Your husband's brother's wife is your husband's sister-in-law, but is not considered to be related to you. But I have the same thing, in my family, I consider my husbands, brothers girl friends as my sister, even though we are not really related but we both still say we are sisters!! so really you can pick if you want them to be your sister, but they will never actually be related to by name, or anything
There would be no relationship as you do not share a common ancestor. If your brother-in-law is married to your sister, then her daughter is your niece, her husband would be referred to as your niece's husband.
Yes. The term "sister-in-law" is used for two types of relationships:The wife of your brotherThe sister of your wifeSome languages may have some different terms for these two cases, but in English they're both "sister-in-law".
John's sister's husbands mother in law is John's Mother. He went to the movies with his aunt.
Your brother-in-law is your brother-in-law because he married your sister and his siblings are are only her in-laws not yours, so his sister is just your brother-in-law's sister. She's not related to you to you. Your brother-in-law can also be the brother of your spouse. In that case, his sister is the sister of your spouse, and your sister-in-law.
Your sister-in-law is either the sister of your spouse or the wife of your brother.If your sister-in-law is the wife of your brother, then her husband is your brother, not your brother-in-law.If your sister-in-law is the sister of your spouse, then her husband is not related to you.In either case her husband is your children's uncle.
Since it would be your sister who had the child with her husband (your brother-in-law) then that would make their child your niece or nephew.
He has one sister; Ginny Weasley. He also has three sister in-laws; Fleur, Audrey and Angelina.