There is no maximum size provided it conforms to all other standards. The minimum size is not less than 1.680 inches diamiater
big enough that the body stretches from the tip of the average adult's fingers to the base of their palm
Their sizes varied from anything to a mouse to the size of a crocodile and sometimes even crocodiles. Save
Prehistoric means before events where logged and recorded by man; all dinosaurs exisited in the prehistoric eras.
A good sentence using the word "prehistoric" could be, "Prehistoric animals roamed the Earth unhindered by modern day pollution." Prehistoric means dating back to an era before history was recorded.
Prehistoric crocodile, no. But besides size, modern-day crocodilians (crocodiles and alligators) are almost the same.
300 feet long
during the Prehistoric or the era of the dinosaur was evolutionary history of animals has there been an tendency for maximum body size to increase.
A prehistoric marine reptile, the largest of the Pliosaurs and they were like a 60 foot crocodile with flippers.
They usually have a maximum wingspan of around 35-40 feet. They were humongous flying creatures that ruled the airs in the prehistoric ages.
Depends on the crocodile's size.
Depends on the age, sex and size of the crocodile.
No. A crocodile has tough, powerful skin and a size advantage over the wolf.
The boar crocodile was a large prehistoric crocodile that was like a boar in aggression and built. It had large tusks on the center of its jaw used for fighting other boar crocodiles. The boar crocodile rises itself and opens its deadly jaw when it sees dinosaurs comming to its territory. Scientists said that the boar crocodile had really large teeth, measuring lengths of 6 inches long. The boar crocodile lived in wetlands and clear swamps of the Mississippi and Tennessee.
Yes a sufficiently large crocodile can eat a whole person, but in pieces
It is depending on size and weight of the crocodile, and the American crocodile will cost $5000-1000 dollors.