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its physics

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Q: Plural noun for physics
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What is the plural form of the word physics?

The plural form of the word "physics" is still "physics" as it is already a plural noun.

What is the plural for physics?

The noun 'physics' is an uncountable noun, a type of aggregate noun, a word representing an indefinite number of elements or parts.The noun 'physics' takes a verb for the singular: Physics is my major.

What is the plural of physics?

There is no plural form of this noun. It is the name of a single, unique area of study (science). No plural form is necessary. Alternatively, "physics" is already the plural form of the word "physic", a now-archaic word meaning "medicine".

Is physics a plural noun?

The noun 'physics' is an uncountable noun, a type of aggregate noun, a word representing an indefinite number of elements or parts.The noun 'physics' takes a verb for the singular: Physics is my major.

What is the singular form of physics?

The noun 'physics' is an uncountable noun, a type of aggregate noun, a word representing an indefinite number of elements or parts.The noun 'physics' takes a verb for the singular: Physics is my major.

Is physics singular plural or both?

"Physics" is typically considered a singular noun when referring to the scientific discipline as a whole. It can be treated as both singular and plural depending on how it is used in a sentence, for example: "Physics is a fascinating subject" (singular) vs. "The physics of the situation are complex" (plural).

What part of speech is relativity?

Relatives is a noun. It's the plural form of relative.

What is the plural form for physics?

The plural form for physics is "physics." It remains the same in both singular and plural form.

What is the plural form of physics?


Is the word 'sciences' singular or plural?

The noun 'science' is an uncountable noun as a word for the study and knowledge of the physical world, or an area of study that uses scientific methods (medical science, planetary science, etc.)The noun 'science' is a countable noun as a word for a scientific subject such as chemistry, physics, or biology. They are examples of sciences.

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The plural noun is halves.

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The plural noun for path is paths. The plural noun for patch is patches.