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The Armys Union Soilders were made up mostly of African Americans.

8th grade, American Journey Sux.

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Q: The Unions Army soilders were made up of mostly what people?
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Related questions

What is a group of soilders called?

A group of soilders is called a army!!

What is a group soilders called?

A group of soilders is called a army!!

How many confederate soilders died in the battle of chickamauga?

1400 people were killed in the confederate army and 1600 in the union army

What is the collective noun for soilders?

an army

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What are fighting men in the army called?

soilders infantry

How did US find soilders for world war 2?

The U.S found soldiers for WWII by drafting people into the army. People also signed up.

How much did the soilders get in the roman army?

some amount of money lol

Who helped the colonial army beat England at Yorktown?

french soilders

When the Ku Klux Klan was founded most of its leaders and members were?

Were confederate soilders the first leaders were people such as generals in the old confederate army

Is it legal to own a army in the US?

no. unless soilders need to go to war

How many men were their in the US army in World War 1?

There was about a billion soilders