Marquis De Layafette
In May 1863, Genral Robert E. Lee fought and defeated the Unions Army again in Chancellorsville, by splittting his army and delivering a flanking attack on the Unions army while General Robert E. Lee's army was outnumbered two to one. This is said to be his greatest victory.
Other than the lack of support at home; the US Army took care of it's own.
Because the Indonesian army committed mass killing of Timorese people, as theyv were mostly christians and wanted freedom from Indonesia
Because the time when "Indiana Jones" is plced, Nazi were around. Also they represent a army "impossible" to beat, a third party, and the soilders supply thugs for Indy to beat
A group of soilders is called a army!!
A group of soilders is called a army!!
1400 people were killed in the confederate army and 1600 in the union army
an army
soilders infantry
The U.S found soldiers for WWII by drafting people into the army. People also signed up.
some amount of money lol
french soilders
Were confederate soilders the first leaders were people such as generals in the old confederate army
no. unless soilders need to go to war
There was about a billion soilders