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The purchase of Alaska was called "Seward's Folly," or Seward's Icebox." The purchase of Alaska was called "Seward's Folly," or Seward's Icebox."

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Q: This is what the people of the US called Sewrd's purchase of Alaska because they thought it was a mistake?
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Why did journalists callthe Alaska purchase of 1867 sewards folly?

Because Seward was secretary of the interior and promoted the purchase!

Seward's folly was a name given to the?

America's purchase of Alaska The purchase of Alaska Sec. of State Seward from Russia. It was thought that there was lillte to nothing in Alaska to warrent the purchase. Discoveries of gold and oil have shown his detracters wrong.

Why did you purchase Alaska from Russia?


Why did Seward and others want to buy Alaska?

The Alaska Purchase was the acquisition of the Alaska territory by the United States from Russia in the year 1867 by a treaty ratified by the Senate.

Why wasAlaskas Purhased called Sewards Folly?

The purchase of Alaska was called Seward's folly because back then Alaska was just a barren wasteland with no value in property. Only the Alaskan natives lived there. So when Seward bought the city people thought that was a dumb decision. But after a while people found oil, gold, and fur in Alaska.

What were two names given to Alaska by people who thought the US had made a mistake in buying it?

Seward's Folly and Johnson's Icebox.

What were two names given to Alaska by people who thought the us made a mistake in buying it?

Seward's Folly and Seward's Icebox

What were two names given to Alaska by people who thought the US had made a mistake buying it?

Seward's Folly and Johnson's Icebox.

Why might some people 1867 have looked upon the purchase of Alaska for 7.2 million dollars as a foolish use of money how would people feel today?

Back in 1867 people thought Alaska was a waste of money because they thought it has no resources, but after the discovery of gold and oil, people today are happy to except Alaska as a state. PEACE OUT

What did William seward do?

One thing for which he is famous is negotiating the purchase of Alaska.

Why was Alaska's state bird chosen?

It was chosen because it flew into Alaska and they thought they should make it their state bird because it was so pritty

Which state was considered a mistake to buy?

When U.S. Secretary of State William H. Seward negotiated the purchase of Alaska from Russia in 1867, many referred to the purchase as "Seward's folly".(Today, Seward's Day is observed on the last Monday of March as a state holiday in Alaska.)