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Q: Was Ramses 2 a selfish man?
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king Ramses 2 king Ramses 2

Is man born selfish or does he become selfish?

To be selfish is a learned behavior beyond the ages of 2-4 years old. A 2 year old is often selfish because they have not developed enough to know the difference, but an adult who is selfish is learned behavior. They have learned in their life that if they want something or act a certain way they get what they want. This is often being selfish.

Is Ramses the great the same as Ramses 2?

Of course, Ramses the Great is just another name he is called.

What is the difference between Queen Hashepsut and Ramses the 2?

Hatshepsut was Egyptian and Ramses 2 was roman

What were Ramses II goals?

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Was Ramses II the youngest child of his family?

Ramses the Second was not the youngest in his family. He had a younger sibling named Moses, the chosen man Godpicked to ask Ramses to "let my people go".

What did Ramses The Great do that was bad?

he was very selfish and greedy. He even gave his self the name 'THE GREAT' in his name

What identifies the records that Ramses II left?

Ramses never left.... he DIED later on everyone does...... think man i mean really.

Who killed Ramses 2?

it was gummtummybear!

Huge monument built by Ramses 2 in southern Egypt it has four statues of Ramses 2?

the rock temple at abu simbal

What was Ramses 2 favorite son?

Mernepath was the favorite son of Ramses II. He ruled after the death of his father.