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Tribal assemblies.

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Ayden Metz

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Q: Was earliest form of government of ancient Greece?
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What was the earliest form of government of ancient Greece.?

The earliest form of government of ancient Greece was monarchy. In the pre-Classical period, ancient Greece was composed of small geographic units ruled by a local king. Over time, groups of the leading aristocrats replaced the kings.

Lwhich of the following was the earliest form of government of Ancient Greece?

Tribal, followed by monarchy.

What is the earliest government form in Ancient Greece?

The first was tribal, the second was monarchy, then came oligarchy and finally an experiment with democracy.

What form of government did ancient Greece and ancient mesopotmlamia have in common?


What form of government did Ancient Greece have?

Ancient Greece was a Monarchy, oligarchie, tyranny, then a democracy (in order).

Where did the idea of democracy as a form of government originate?

Ancient Greece

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In ancient Greece what did each city state have its form of?


Based on the paragraph above what form of government did ancient Greece and ancient Mesopotamia have in common?

monarchy (ap3x)

In ancient Greece how was the ruler determined?

Ancient Greece was not a unified country with a single government; every city had its own government, and every city also had its own form of government, and its own method of choosing a ruler.

What created the the first form of government?

The earliest forms of government emerged in ancient Greece alongside the birth of democracy around 460 BCE. The first constitution was The Constitution of the Athenians, and it considered the interests of all citizens including the minority. Later, the Romans overthrew the corrupt monarchy, and copied the Greek form of government.

What form of government from ancient Greece most influenced the government of the US?

The Greeks introduced democracy .