Virginia plan
Virginia Plan
The New Jersey Plan.
Connecticut Delaware Georgia Maryland Massachusetts (included Maine) New Hampshire New Jersey New York (included Vermont) North Carolina Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina Virginia (included West Virginia)
William Patterson introduced the resolution. It is not clear if he wrote it on his own.
The New Jersey Plan
The New Jersey Plan was a proposal to have representation in Congress be equal for every state. In the Virginia Plan, representation was determined by population.
The New Jersey plan (APEX)
Virginia plan
Virginia Plan
Virginia Plan
Both the Virginia and New Jersey Plans included a legislative branch, but differed in the way the legislative branch was defined. The Virginia Plan proposed a legislative branch consisting of two chambers, while the New Jersey Plan proposed a unicameral legislature.
The mid-Atlantic states are Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, New York, Virginia, and West Virginia. Washington D.C. is also included with the mid-Atlantic states even though it is not actually a state.
The New Jersey Plan proposed a plural executive that would be elected by Congress.
The New Jersey Plan.
An executive committee would lead the executive branch.
The new Jersey plan and the Virginia plan