daniel webster
No. Daniel Webster, the United States Senator in the Jacksonian Era, was a Unitarian.
Daniel Webster was a great orator who spoke against sectionalism
Strong Christian
Daniel Webster and Noah Webster were brothers. Daniel Webster was a prominent American statesman and orator, known for his work as a lawyer and U.S. senator, while Noah Webster was a lexicographer who published the first edition of his famous dictionary in 1828.
No! It would be Noah Webster that started Webster's Dictionary.For more information, see related links below.
No. Daniel Webster (1782-1852) was a US Senator and Secretary of State. Noah Webster (1758-1842) published the first dictionary in 1828.
Daniel Webster died on October 24, 1852 at the age of 70.
Daniel Webster attended Dartmouth College in Massachusetts in 1797 and graduated in 1801.
Noah Webster was not a weaver, but his father was. Noah Webster's father was a weaver and a farmer
Noah Webster was born in Connecticut.
Noah Webster lived in Conneticut, in West Hartford.
Noah Webster was born on October 16, 1758.
Noah Webster was born on October 16, 1758.
Noah Webster House was created in 1758.