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After they won independence from England, they were not guilty. While the colonies were under England's rule, they were guilty of treason to England.

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Q: Were the Founding fathers guilty of treason when they called themselves indepentdent?
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What crime was committed by founding fathers when they wrote declaration of independence?

By signing the declaration, the founding fathers were comitting treason.

How did the founding fathers committ treason?

they declared independence on the United states. They signed the declaration of independence

What would have happened if your founding fathers would have failed and been convicted of high treason?

King George III was very clear.... the Founding Fathers would not have been "Founding Fathers," they would have been criminals and tried for treason subject to the King and the laws of England prohibitting treasonous acts. Simply put... they would of most certainly been hanged.(S.Menzel)

Would the founding fathers be considered terrorists today?

No. MLM No. While the UN has failed to provide an internationally accepted definition of terrorism, it's quite clear that the founding fathers were not proponents of terrorism, but of treason. I know those "t" words can be confusing.

Were your founding fathers treasonous or communist?

The king considered the Patriot cause to be treason. Communism didn't exist for another 200 years so they couldn't have been communist.

Why do you think the Founders so carefully defined and limited the act of treason?

Nearly everything we see in the U.S. Constitution was in response to an abuse by the British government. The issue with treason under British rule was that treason was anything that the king did not like. Many personal enemies of the king were executed under "treason." This is why the founding fathers wanted to define and limit the act of treason.

What country did the Founding Fathers of the US declare independence on?

For the United States, where they were, against the British which resulted in the American Revolution. High Treason against the crown freed the Americans from British rule.

Why does the Constitution specifically define treason?

Because it was included by the founding fathers and is considered a particularly heinous crime committed against the population of the entire nation, and not just a single individual or small group.

What were the founding fathers risking by signing the Declaration of Independence?

They were risking their lives and treasure. The king saw it was treason and could order their death. Several did loose everything, one or two fought in the war, but the 44 men were left alone for the most part.

Do the founding fathers of the constitution deserve the reverence Americans have traditionally given them why?

The founding fathers could have been arrested for treason anytime up until Britain recognized their country. Many did lose family, lands and business due to their involvement in trying to start the new country. Some ended up living away from their families for years, due to the work they were doing. Another reason for admiration is the depth of knowledge and thought they brought to writing the constitution and the Bill of Rights.

What are high crimes?

In the constitution, it only specifies treason and bribery, and then says "and other high crimes." So, these seem to be very serious crimes involving corruption or betraying the country in some way. (It should be noted that this does not refer to a policy that one political party opposes; words like "treason" and "betrayal" are thrown around a lot in political rhetoric, but the Founding Fathers seem to refer to specific acts of corruption, or perhaps to selling out one's country the way a spy does.)

How did the signers of the declaration of independence put themselves in danger?

signing it was an act of treason against the British king of that time