Do you mean north american native or south american native?
Feathered headdresses were used by some North and South American Indian tribes. This was discovered by archaeologists examining the carvings on ancient temples and pyramids.
All of them used mathematics.
Yes all indian tribes use drums
Native American tribes have used yarrow for toothaches, headaches, and other ailments.
They mostly used bows,arrows,and blowguns.
No. Blowguns (not blow darts) were used by only a very few tribes in North America - they were mainly used in the rainforests of South America.North American tribes who used blowguns did not use poison darts and only used the weapon for hunting small animals; the tribes were the Cherokee, Choctaws and others along the Gulf of Mexico. Cane, sourwood, sumac and white walnut were the woods used.Cherokee blowguns were usually around 8 feet long - some were 10 feet.
The Bella Coola tribe used bows, arrows, blowguns, clubs & spears. They would put darts in the blowguns, and sometimes even add poison.
The Algonquins used Wigwams.
Feathered headdresses were used by some North and South American Indian tribes. This was discovered by archaeologists examining the carvings on ancient temples and pyramids.
All of them used mathematics.
Yes all indian tribes use drums
aferican mask are used for different
Native American tribes have used yarrow for toothaches, headaches, and other ailments.
100 Kg
They mostly used bows,arrows,and blowguns.
The spelling Powhatan is used for the Native American chief of the tribes (and the tribes themselves) who came in contact with the Jamestown settlers in the early 1600s.