Southern Colonies had slaves to do their work on the plantation, Middle Colonies had some slaves but they were kinda in the middle, while the New England Colonies had no slaves.
Some Native American groups that were in the middle colonies, were the Algonquin and the Iroquois tribes. (:
Award tracts of land to new arrivals in the colonies.
award tracks of land to new arrivals in the colonies
The Middle Colonies were both.Puritans - didn't follow some rules of the Church and wanted to change them a little. But, they still wanted to stay with the church in New England.Quakers - Were from Pennsylvania and yes they were in the middle colonies. They believed in simple life.
Most of the people who lived in middle colonies back then did go to the church, although it wasn't mandatory like some other colonies.
Benjamin Franklin, Henry Hudson, and William Penn.
what were some industries in the middle colonies
Some native Americans in the Middle Colonies were the Algonquin and the Iroquois tribes.
Importing and Exporting
Similtarities with other sections with the middle colonies?
It depends what colony. Yes, some colonies, such as Pennslyvania, Rhode Island, and Conecticut were tolerant according to religions, but colonies such as Maryland were not
Southern Colonies had slaves to do their work on the plantation, Middle Colonies had some slaves but they were kinda in the middle, while the New England Colonies had no slaves.
Some Native American groups that were in the middle colonies, were the Algonquin and the Iroquois tribes. (:
ummm none. After time passed the middle colonies became states...I think, I hope this helps some of you