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Q: What are some physical characteristics for the new England middle and southern colonies?
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What characteristics is the division of he thirteen colonies into New England middle southern regions based?


What are three types of colonies?

Middle Colonies New England Colonies Southern Colonies

How were the Southern Colonies interdependent on England?

The Southern Colonies received ships and manufactured goods from England. In trade, the Southern Colonies provided lumber, food, and livestock.

How did the Middle Colony get its name?

Their location relative to the New England colonies and the southern colonies.

How life in the colonies was shaped by where people lived?

The colonies were separated into the New England Colonies, the Middle Colonies, and the Southern Colonies.

How did the southern colonies resemble England?

they were from England.

Why did New England depend on southern colonies?

New England depended on southern colonies for the supply of materials such as cotton and foodstuffs.

What were the four different colonial regions in the 1700s?

New England colonies, middle colonies, southern colonies and backcountry

What are the Three regions of colonies?

the new England colonies, the middle colonies, and the southern colonies

Who practiced subsistence farming the new England colonies middle colonies or southern colonies?

The New England colonies

Where did the settlers in Maryland come from?

they came from the middle, New England or southern colonies.

Were rice and tabacco shipped to england from Southern Colonies?

Rice and tobacco was shipped to England from Southern Colonies. This was discover by Great Britain.