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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago
  • Call number
  • author
  • birth year
  • title
  • place of publication
  • copyright year
  • collation
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Q: What are the parts of an author card catalog?
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Related questions

What are the parts of the catalog?

author card, title card, subject card

What are the parts of card catalog?

author card, title card, subject card

How do identify a card catalog?

identify the parts of card catalog

How do you identify a card catalog?

identify the parts of card catalog

Give the 12 parts of a card catalog?

The twelve parts of a card catalog are author, publisher, title entry, date of publication, place of publication, number of pages, height, illustrations, subject, ISBN number, Dewy decimal number, and title for record. Most card catalog have been replaced by the Online Public Access catalog.

What are examples of card catalog?

author card, title card and subject card the nonfiction and fiction are the types of card catalog

What are card catalog used for?

Card Catalog are used for looking up a book or by the author.

Kinds of card catalog?

THREE KINDS OF CATALOG CARDS: title card, author card && subject card. (: slide rule cards):

What three kinds of computer files will you find in a card catalog?

for the cards there are author subject and title

What are the kinds of library card catalog?

Author Card,Subject Card

What a card catalog?

A catalog card is an index card found in a library's card catalog. It contains the title, author's name, call number, and publishing information for one book in the library.

Card catalog example author?

3 types of author card