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It is the idea of the power of veto.

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Q: What aspect of the roman republic's government has had the biggest impact on the US federal government?
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The strengthening of the federal government's military powers

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The Republic is a form of government in which the power resides in the people. The Republic likely formed in early Rome prior to the dynasties of emperors. Republics were not equated with classic forms of government, such as those in Athens, but are key to the aspect of democracy.

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In the United States, power is shared between the individual states and the Federal Government as set out in the Constitution of the United States. In Canada, power is shared between the provinces and the Federal Government as outlined under the provisions of the BNA Act. Both of these documents detail who is responsible for every aspect of the governance of their respective countries. For those who are interested in political science, there are many books available which go into greater detail about how government works.

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Public policies.

How would you use conspire and aspect in a sentence?

The anarchists conspired to take out every aspect of government.