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Q: What career did Hitler pursue at a young age?
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Hitler expanded the SS through the Hitler Youth. These we young boys being train to a military standard at a young age. After the course was complete they were then filtered into the feared Waffen SS.

Can you be 11years old to get a singing career?

Yes, most singers start their career at a very young age.

What was the Hitler Youth Organization purpose?

The purpose of the Hitler youth was to start teaching children at a young age the Nazi ways.

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Hitler got in the army because he loved the German army from a young age and apllied to join with his big head

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yes, its fine there is nothing wrong with starting off your career at a young age

Who were the people involved in the Hitler Youth?

The four organisations were the German Young People (Deutsches Jungvolk), the Hitler Youth (Hitler Jugend), the League of Young Girls (Jungmadelbund) and the League of German Girls (Bund Deutscher Madel). Boys joined the German Young People from the age of 10 until they were 14 when they joined the Hitler Youth. The girls joined the League of Young Girls at the age of 10 and at the age of 14 joined the League of German Girls.

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Whenever she feels ready to start her career for her older age maybe a young age!:)

What country is Taylor Swift from?

Raised in Wyomissing, Pennsylvania, Swift moved to Nashville, Tennessee at the age of fourteen to pursue a career in country music.

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When he was 5, I Think and becasue it was his passion. Later on in life, at age 14, he even dropped out of school to pursue this career. (: