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LOts of changes were made: more employed people, more $ income, new inventions being made, more slaves (mostly in the south), women getting hired more often, health care serioulsy improved, as did living conditions. More people went 2 school 2.

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Rich people invested in machines, putting more machines into the country, thus, making more people unemployed.

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Q: What changed during the Industrial Revolution?
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There started to become more jobs.

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The environment changed drastically when industrial revolution began.

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Iron Bridge

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Actually, Everything in the Industrial Revolution was an importan breakthrough. Everything had a giant impact on society and it all changed the way everyone lived. So everything in the Industrial Revolution was an important breakthrough.

How has the Industrial Revolution changed the world?

Industrial revolution changed our daily lives with the improvements of manufacturing, textile production and agriculture. All of these aspects put together are what formed an industrial revolution. It was max.

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Technology developed during the Industrial Revolution allowed for the mass production of goods such as textiles" is the best option. The Industrial Revolution changed the course of economic history.

In what basic way life changed during the Industrial Revolution?

people migrate from dual areas to cities.

The Revolution that changed the way people worked was the.....?

industrial revolution