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the president can veto any bill passed by congress, which requires 2/3 of both houses to override

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Q: What checks does the president do on the congress?
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The president can check congress by what power?

This deals with the system of Checks & Balances. The President can "check the authority of Congress" by rejecting a unconstitutional law proposed by Congress. this process is called veto.The President checks Congress when he vetoes a bill that the Congress has passed. Congress can check him if a 2/3 majority votes to override his veto.Also, the President can check Congress by using the media (the "bully pulpit") to set the agenda for Congress. Presidents also tend to have success with Congress proportional to their approval rating with the public. Thus, if a president has a high approval rating, it is likely that Congress will be willing to help him accomplish his goals.

Which action best illustrates the system of checks and balances?

the President can veto a law approved by Congress

What is one way Congress provides checks and balances over the executive branch?

It has to approve treaties made by the president.

Two ways the president can check the power of congress?

The president has the power to veto legislation passed by congress and has the power to reccommend action to Congress... Recommending Power "shall from time to time give the Congress information of the state of the union, and recommend to their consideration such measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient [proper]."

Ways the president checks the power of congress?

it goes back to the floor branchs as the president sign over they veto- plz dont trust dis answer i dont know if its rigth-

Related questions

What checks does congress have on the powers of the president?

the congress can veto a law the president passed

What power does the president have where he can check congress?

The President checks Congress when he vetoes a bill

Why do congress has to approve the president buget?

The Congress has to approve the president's budget to provide checks and balances where necessary.

Who is responsible of checks and balances of the president?

congress and the supreme court

What are the powers that congress has in order to check the president?

checks and balances

What would be a check on a president in checks and balances?

The Congress and the judiciary

What is the an example of checks and balances?

The president can veto bills passed by Congress.

How does the president have the power to reject bills of Congress. Which is this an example of?

checks and balances

What is one way the president checks congress?

The President has the power to veto congressional legislation.

According to the constitution how does congress balance the power of the president?

Checks and balances between Congress and the president are intended to limit the potential powers of both.

The president can check congress by what power?

This deals with the system of Checks & Balances. The President can "check the authority of Congress" by rejecting a unconstitutional law proposed by Congress. this process is called veto.The President checks Congress when he vetoes a bill that the Congress has passed. Congress can check him if a 2/3 majority votes to override his veto.Also, the President can check Congress by using the media (the "bully pulpit") to set the agenda for Congress. Presidents also tend to have success with Congress proportional to their approval rating with the public. Thus, if a president has a high approval rating, it is likely that Congress will be willing to help him accomplish his goals.

What system makes it more likely that the president and congress will always compete for power?

Checks and Balances