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Q: What day did Korea get split?
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What was the capital city before Korea split into two countries?

Hanseong, it's located right where modern day Seoul is.

Did families get split up when Korea was split?

yes it was no information though

What countries are split up into countries?

Korea. North Korea is communist and South Korea is democratic.

Did North Korea and South Korea ever communicate before they split?


What year did Korea become North Korea and South Korea?

Korea was splited in 1948; at that time it was split into South Korea and North Korea. Resulting in the korean war to this very day... their technically still against each other.

What was the name of Korea before Korea?

It was called Gojoseon until 1897 when it became Korea. It was under Japanese rule from 1910 to 1945 and split into North and South Korea in 1948. No, Gojoseon was founded in 2333 BC and lasted until 108 BC. Then came the Proto-Three Kingdoms era, then the Three Kingdoms, then Unified Silla & Balhae, then was split into 3 again, then came GORYEO (where the present day English name Korea comes from), then Joseon, then the Korean Empire, then the Japanese rule, Allied invasion of colonized Korea, and then finally the present day North & South Korea.

What is the main political difference that caused the split between Korea?

North Korea is Communist; South Korea is Democratic.

When was Korea divivded?

1953 - that's when it was officialy divided..... the leaders of each Korea signed the form. Or after the independence from Japan...... Korea began to split politically 1953 - that's when it was officialy divided..... the leaders of each Korea signed the form. Or after the independence from Japan...... Korea began to split politically

What nation occupied Korea after World War 2?

Korea was split at the 38th parallel and North Korea was occupied by Russia and South Korea was occupied by the U.S.

When was Korea created?

Korea created its present day boundaries during the Kingdom of Joseon (1392-1897). However, Korea is currently split into North and South Korea, and many do not even refer to it as a country anymore.

Why did Korea wait for japan to surrender to split in 2?

Korea was forced to split upon Japan's surrender per the Potsdam conference agreement:

Is Korea still split between north and south?

Yes, North Korea and South Korea are two different countries.