The romans used to sleep, drink wine and eat in their spare time. They would also go around the town and look for slaves and interesting market stalls.
Roman gladiators had no spare time. When they did they rested.
Roman families were headed by the paterfamilias who was the eldest male of the family.
The roman adults would go on ships OR play board games OR if they were wealthier they would go to the roman baths listen to ti music and get massaged. The roman children would play outdoors OR play board games.
what does Marc-andre Fleury do in his spare time
Romans soldiers had limited spare time. They were kept busy with drills and training and with construction. They built and maintained their own facilities and built the military roads. In their spare times they played board games and dice and went hunting.
Americans spent on average 7hrs a day watching Television.
they would go to the cinama and dance and lot of athor things
Roman gladiators had no spare time. When they did they rested.
Roman families were headed by the paterfamilias who was the eldest male of the family.
what do celebs do in there spare time
spare time is, amser rhydd
He likes to play tenis in his spare time.
spare time = free time, leisure, unstructured time
Ok well in interviews 1D have always said that they don't really have much spare time, as they generally are doing global tours. However when they flew back to the u.k they said they go home, and spend time with their families. On tour when they have spare time they make twit cams (especially Liam), and Film video diarys for fans. Apart from that it tends to be going on computers and other technology :) x
The roman adults would go on ships OR play board games OR if they were wealthier they would go to the roman baths listen to ti music and get massaged. The roman children would play outdoors OR play board games.
ET eats little kids in his spare time.
Spare Time Machine was created in 2007.