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The ancient Hebrews needed to obey God in order to please him. They also needed to obey his laws.

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Q: What did ancient Hebrews need to do to please their God?
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Who was the first ruler of the Ancient Hebrews?

God was.

What were the obligations of the Ancient Hebrews to God?

To observe the entire Torah.

How was the god of the ancient hebrews most different from the existing gods of the pagan religions of the middle east at that time?

The God of the ancient Hebrew was the only one they worshipped, whereas the pagans worshipped multiple gods. This God of the Hebrews also did not have a physical image.

Jewish scripture says that God's laws were delivered to the ancient Hebrews by?

God to Moses to the Hebrews at Mt. Sinai. Twice, as the first set were destroyed by Moses after he saw the people doing bad things at the base of Mt. Sinai.

The ancient Hebrews' laws of God are called?

The ancient Hebrews' laws of God are collectively called the Torah. The Torah contains the Ten Commandments (Exodus ch.20) as well as some six hundred additional laws and commands, in addition to its historical and other narratives. See also:More detailAbout the TorahThe Ten Commandments

How did Abraham save the Ancient Hebrews?

Abraham never "saved" the ancient Hebrews. He established them.

When did Ancient Hebrews worship God?

The Torah says that Abraham was the first Hebrew to start worshipping God. This was around 2000 BCE.

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According to the Torah, which person delievered God's laws to the ancient Hebrews?

What was unique about the religious beliefs of the ancient Hebrews?

He was the One true God! The Nations served many gods.

What were three beliefs that were held by the ancient Hebrew?

Belief in the one God, Yahweh, as the supreme being and creator. Belief in the importance of following the laws and commandments outlined in the Torah. Belief in the covenant between God and the Hebrew people, emphasizing the chosen status of the Hebrews.

Who does Jewish scripture say delivered God's laws to the ancient Hebrews?

Moses, who was called Moshe (משה) in Hebrew.

Why was God important to ancient Hebrews?

God is not only important to the ancient Hebrews but also to the present generation. These people at that time saw that there is a supreme being controlling the universe. Life originates from the Almighty and as such everything depends on Him.