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temples and pyramids.

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Q: What did the pharaohs build to record their deeds?
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A pharaohs duty was to build temples to the?

To the Gods

How did pharaohs get enough money to build pyramids?


Why were Pyramid's build?

Pyramids were built as tombs for pharaohs.

What did the Egyptians build to bury their pharaohs?

I think they made them into mummies.

Why did the people of Egypt build the pyramids?

It was the Pharaohs home for the afterlife.

What did the pharaohs build instead of pyramid?

under ground chambers

What mateirials did ancient Egypt use to build statues of the pharaohs?


What responsibilites did pharaohs have?

thay had to build monuments and come up with laws

What did later pharaohs build instead of pyramids?

under ground chambers

What did the later pharaohs build instead of pyramids?

under ground chambers

Why did egyptians of old kingdom design pyramids?

They build them as burial chambers for the Pharaohs.

Why did the pharaohs like Ramses the great build huge Temple?

because hi