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Q: What do Robespierre and Napoleon have in common?
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What was Maximilien Robespierre's relation to Napoleon Bonaparte?

No relation whatsoever

which of the following describes a difference between the french goverments under maximilien de robespierre and napoleon bonaparte?

Robespierre ruled over a representative government, while Napoleon ruled over a dictatorship

Was the Reign of Terror led by Napoleon Bonparte?

No, it was controlled by Maximilien Robespierre.

What was napoleon the leader of?

France, after the Reign of Terror led by Maximilien Robespierre.

How were Robespierre and Napoleon similar?

because they both were dictators, and they were intelligent and quick-witted.

Which governmental body did Napoleon Bonaparte overthrow in 1794 after Robespierre's execution?

the directory :P

Was Robespierre Napoleon's foreign minister?

No, Maximilien Robespirre was sent to the guillotine on 28 July 1794 before Napoleon became the First Consul.

The government that emerged in France after Robespierre's fall from power was the?

The Directorate (5 members). This became the Consulate (with Napoleon as First Consul), and then the Empire.

Would Rousseau have liked Napoleon?

Perhaps, Napoleon was a close follower of the brothers Maximilian and Augustin Robespierre who were advocates of the deist theology espoused by Rousseau. He might have supported Napoleon's advocacy for Protestants, Jews and Muslims and would surely have supported his treatment of the Catholic Church in general, but would have been appalled at his acceptance of the last rites.

Where was Robespierre's funeral?

He had no funeral. He was buried in a common grave and his remains are now probably in the Paris catacombs.

When was Robespierre born?

Augustin Robespierre was born in 1763.

When did robespierre live?

Maximilien Robespierre lived from 1758 to 1794.