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It's not French

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Q: What does Boca means in French?
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Related questions

What is the Spanish translation for la boca?

mouth is spelled 'bouche' (fem.) in French.

Is boca masculine or feminine?

Boca, which means mouth, is a feminine noun: la boca

What does besitos mean?

A beso en la boca means to french kiss or to literally kiss in the mouth. Beso means kiss en means in la means th boca means mouth in the spanish language.

Does boca mean mouth in Spanish?

Yes, "boca" means "mouth" in Spanish.

What dose boca raton mean in spanish?

raton means rat Boca Raton, means the mouth of a rat.

What does la boca mean in spanish?

"La boca" in Spanish means "the mouth."

What does bite you en la boca?

"En la boca" means in your mouth or in the mouth

Why is boca raton the rats mouth?

In Spanish "boca" means mouth and "raton" means rat. In actuality the phrase would have to be "boca de el raton," or "mouth of the rat" (rat's mouth) in order to be correct.

What does boca raton mean?

It means "rats mouth" in spanish Boca Raton is also a city in Florida in the United States.

What does sierrde su boca mean in spanish?

You probably mean. Cierre su Boca!, It means literally, "Shut your Mouth" from the command form of Cerrar = (to shut), su = your, boca = mouth.

What does Callate la boca translate to in English?

Callate La Boca: Slang "Shut your mouth !" Word for word it means "Shut up your mouth". "Shut your mouth" would be "Cierra la boca". "Callate" means "Shut up". This expression, although frequently used, is not correct Spanish.

What does boca raton mean in spanish?

"Boca Raton" means "rat's mouth" in Spanish. It is the name of a city in Florida, USA.