bob smity gutenberg and sean gand gutenberg
Johann Gutenberg was born in 1398.
Johann Gutenberg's full name was Johannes Gensfleisch zur Laden zum Gutenberg.
The Gutenberg bible
Johann Gutenberg was born and raised in Mainz, Germany. Johann Gutenberg is most known for inventing the printing press in 1455.
bob smity gutenberg and sean gand gutenberg
Johannes Gutenberg
Johann Gutenberg was born in 1398.
The Gutenberg discontinuity was discovered by a German geophysicist named Beno Gutenberg in 1913.Gutenberg find out that it is the boundary that seperates the two layers.The gutenberg layer is 1500 km thick.
Johann Gutenberg was born in 1398.
Johann Gutenberg's full name was Johannes Gensfleisch zur Laden zum Gutenberg.
O.o only Gutenberg I have heard of was johann Gutenberg and he created the printing press in the 1450s
The Gutenberg bible
. Gutenberg
the Gutenberg Bible.
The Gutenberg bible
Gutenberg was a good man to the state of his company