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βˆ™ 16y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

it is buff colored with a bright emblazoned coat of arms

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Q: What does the flag of New Jersey look like?
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What does the New Jersey flag look like?

Like this. To see a better picture go look for it yourself

What are colors of the flag of New Jersey?

Buff and Jersey Blue.

When did New Jersey adopt there flag?


What is New Jersey's state flag?

Here's a picture. Is this what you were asking for?

State flag is called in New Jersey?

new jesey

Which star on the American flag stands for New Jersey?

New Jersey was the third state, so the third star stands for New Jersey

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Should Google the New Jersey flag?


Did the colony New York had a flag?

the colony of new york shared a flag with new Jersey till 1674 when the British shared their flag with all of their colonies

What does the symbols on New Jersey's flag mean?

the New Jersey state flag displays dark blue colors on a buff, or near-beige, background. Dark blue, or Jersey blue, and buff are the state's official colors. The state seal in the center of the flag contains a horse's head, a knight's helmet, and two goddesses. Read more: What Does the New Jersey State Flag Represent? |

What does the symbols on the New Jersey flag mean?

the New Jersey state flag displays dark blue colors on a buff, or near-beige, background. Dark blue, or Jersey blue, and buff are the state's official colors. The state seal in the center of the flag contains a horse's head, a knight's helmet, and two goddesses. Read more: What Does the New Jersey State Flag Represent? |

Why is the color of the state New Jersey yellow?

Apparetnly the New Jersey flag is pure orange with a dessign in the middle