It took the Bantu about two thousand years to move through the equatorial forests both to the east and to the south.
Who you would call a migration expert would probably depend on which species migration you want information about. A person who specializes in, say, wolves and their migration might be totally different from aperson who specializes in the migration of, say, seagulls.
The Bantu education affected black people by giving them bad education for their children.This was make sure that their children only learnt things that would make them good for what the government wanted.
religious or political persecution
Today it wouldn't be evidence. Police and judges today would assume that your were either lying or on drugs.
because we have updated things instead of walking. planes cars boats it would be dumb to walk the whole way to a new place in migration.
It took the Bantu about two thousand years to move through the equatorial forests both to the east and to the south.
The main drivers of the Bantu migration from West Africa to the east and south were likely population pressure, competition for resources, and the search for new land for settlement and cultivation. This migration resulted in the spread of Bantu languages and agricultural techniques across sub-Saharan Africa.
Examing contiental drift
The two types of migration are voluntary and involuntary. An example of voluntary migration would be birds flying south for the winter, involuntary migration would be animals leaving a decimated rainforest.
Who you would call a migration expert would probably depend on which species migration you want information about. A person who specializes in, say, wolves and their migration might be totally different from aperson who specializes in the migration of, say, seagulls.
The Bantu education affected black people by giving them bad education for their children.This was make sure that their children only learnt things that would make them good for what the government wanted.
very good work.
An example of net migration would be when the # of immigrants/emigrants exceeds the # of emigrants/immigrants.
Without the Bantu-speaking migrations, the demographic, cultural, and linguistic landscape of Africa would likely be very different today. The Bantu migrations played a significant role in shaping the populations and societies across the continent, leading to the spread of agriculture, ironworking, and Bantu languages. If these migrations had not occurred, many African societies may have developed differently and the distribution of populations across regions would likely be altered.
Ecological research methods to study bird migration include bird banding to track individual birds, using GPS or radio telemetry to monitor movements, conducting radar studies to observe large-scale migration patterns, and analyzing stable isotope signatures in feathers to determine breeding and wintering locations. Integrating multiple methods can provide a comprehensive understanding of bird migration behaviors.
The Igneous intrusions and extrusions near sedimentary layers.