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the acropolis

i will have you know that i found this out from another person i am not sure of their name but all this credit goes to them. i only posted this because it was way better than the previous answer which was ur mom. enjoy your now blossomed knowledge.

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The Parthenon was built in Athens to honor Athena, the patron goddess of the city.

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Q: What famous ancient temple was built over 2000 years ago in Athens?
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What is the most famous building built in ancient Athens?

The Parthenon temple of Athena.

What is the name of the temple that was built 2000 years ago in Greece?

The famous ancient temple built over 2,000 years ago in Athens, Greece is the Parthenon. The construction of the Parthenon began in 447 BC.

What is the ancient greek temple on the hill acropolis?

The Parthenon of Athena, the patron goddess of Athens. Built by Pericles

What is a famous building in Ancient Greece?

Today we would sat the Parthenon at Athens. To the ancient Greeks it might be the Temple of Zeus at Olympia, the Temple of Artemis at Ephesus (one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World), or many others. All in the eye of the beholder, and people from different cities would tend to support their own temple as famous.

In what ancient city was the Parthenon built as a temple to the gods?

i don't think so there might be one but we will never find out

What is the Parthenon?

The Parthenon is the dominant temple on the Acropolis. It was built for Athena between 447 and 432 B.C.E. The chief temple of the goddess Athena built on the acropolis at Athens between 447 and 432 B.C. and considered a supreme example of Doric architecture. Athena, the virgin goddess. Parthenon = virgin's place The Parthenon is in Athens, Greece.

What was the name of the temple in Athens built in honor of the goddess Athena?

The Parthenon is the temple in Athens built in honor of the Greek goddess of wisdom and war, Athena.

Built on the Acropolis in Athens the famed Parthenon was a?


What kind of temple did Pericles built?

Pericles built the Parthenon in Athens, Greece

What was the most impressive building in all of ancient Greece was a temple in Athens?

The Parthenon was considered the most beautiful building in the world at one time. It was designed by the Greek sculptor Phidias. Pericles had this temple built to worship the patron goddess of Athens, Athena.

What was the temple of Athena built from?

carved rock or stone plus it's the temple of Athens

How old is the temple in Athens?

The Parthenon was built in 447 BC.