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the famous people i don't know but they went there to get a good education:)

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Q: What famous people have gone to Harvard and why?
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Why is Harvard famous?

People that have graduated from there, money expenses, and their educational courses.

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What do people call Harvard the school?

harvard college

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What is Harvard?

Harvard is a the first college and out of 4000 people ony four people can get in to Harvard and you can't be the second best you have to be the best of the best to get in that college and you have to be smart.

Famous person that graduated from Harvard?

Barack Obama michelle obama

What is the most famous university of the world?

Harvard Yale Oxford Cambridge

Why do people who went to Harvard always make it a point of conversation to say they went to Harvard?

Because Harvard is a prestigious university and people always like to brag about there achievements.

What famous university did john f Kennedy attend at?

JFK went to Harvard.

What is the most famous college in the world?

There is no one famous school. There are many of note, including Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts in the United States and the University of Oxford in England are two famous schools that come to mind.

Have any famous people gone to the Eiffel Tower?

yes, selena gomez has she went when she filmed monte carloe

Why is Cambridge a famous city?

It is a city in eastern Great Britain where the second oldest university was opened in 1284. In the USA , there is a city with the same name, and it is famous for its universities, Harvard and the Massachusetts Instutute of Technology.