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Q: What future US president served aboard the USS Monterey during World War 2?
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What ship did future US President Gerald Ford serve aboard during World War 2?

I did not know that Gerald Ford was in the Navy, but I looked it up for you. Ford served aboard the carrier USS Monterey during World War 2. He served aboard the USS Monterey (CVL-26) it was an Independence-class light aircraft carrier.

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Decisions about the future of California.

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Decisions about the future of California.

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Try the Monterey Bay Aqurarium or the Aquarium of the Pacific.

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Ulysses S. Grant

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To avoid future Korean Wars; he had experienced WW2 and became president during the Korean War.

What aircraft carrier did future US President George Bush fly from in World War 2?

His bios don't name it. Several mentioned he flew 58 missions.

Which future president commanded the union army during the civil war?

== == Rutherford B. Hayes.

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Dwight D Eisenhower, a future president, was the commander of the allies during WW2General Dwight Eisenhower

What has the author Steven Kenneth Long written?

Steven Kenneth Long has written: 'An analysis of the future alternatives for the Monterey marina and harbor'

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