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The god Amon-Re was celebrated during the festival Opet.

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Q: What god was celebrated in the Opet Festival?
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How often was the Opet festival celebrated?

Every single year, i think :)

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What is the Opet festival?

The Egyptian Opet festival celebrates renewal, and there was also festivities. There was acrobatic dancers, and also musicians. In one part of the festival, a beautiful barque, made by artisans, is carried by high government officials (who often compete for the role of carrying the barque) on poles throughout town. In the barque is a shrine, and on the shrine is a decorated (by priests) statue of the god. Everyone took part in this festivity, and took off from their work. It lasted from 24 to 27 days.

What was the kind of food the Egyptians ate at the festival of Opet?

bread loaves,cakes,beer,meat,fowl,incense

When was OPET created?

OPET was created in 1992.

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