The final thing that happened to him was being burned at the stake.....
Thomas Cranmer
Archbishop Cranmer annulled the marriage between Henry and Katherine Howard
Thomas Becket was the Archbishop of Canterbury. His connection was that he was the Archbishop in Canterbury Cathedral.
it is, Thomas Cranmer, who was made archbishop by, King Edward VI, with the help of Nicholas Ridley and preacher Hugh Latimer, Cranmer lead England in more drastic Reformation.
He lived in England, was born in London, and was the Archbishop of Canterbury.
Thomas Cranmer
the first Protestant archbishop of Canterbury.
They were catherlics
Thomas Cranmer
Archbishop Cranmer annulled the marriage between Henry and Katherine Howard
Thomas Becket was the Archbishop of Canterbury. His connection was that he was the Archbishop in Canterbury Cathedral.
it is, Thomas Cranmer, who was made archbishop by, King Edward VI, with the help of Nicholas Ridley and preacher Hugh Latimer, Cranmer lead England in more drastic Reformation.
Thomas Cranmer
Thomas Becket was about 44 years old when he became Archbishop of Canterbury.
Thomas Beckett was appointed Archbishop of Canterbury in 1162 and was murdered in Canterbury Cathedral on December 29th 1170.
He was the Archbishop of Canterbury.
it is, Thomas Cranmer, who was made archbishop by, King Edward VI, with the help of Nicholas Ridley and preacher Hugh Latimer, Cranmer lead England in more drastic Reformation.