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it is another symbol of our patriotism

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Q: What influence does the pledge of allegiances have today?
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Why the pledge of allegiances important?

The pledge of allegiance is important because you are showing patriotism and making a promise to our flag which is our region. Also it is important because not only you are making a promise but also you are promising to God, too

When was New Allegiances created?

New Allegiances was created on 2008-10-27.

Is it true that Allegiances of the Clans by Erin Hunter is going to be published?

Allegiances of the Clans has been canceled

What legacy from Greek medicine do today's doctors pledge?

Hippocratic Oath

A pledge for physician that remains influential today?

Hippocratic oath

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What types of allegiances existed in Genoa?

They had allegiances with the Indian Army, 'Anhuansken' that fought with them in their war against Venice from 1256- 1270. They also had an allegiance with Rome for four years while they were at peace with Venice for a short amount of time, right before the Battle of Reguan

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Which of the following is an example of French influence in the United States today? Answer: New Orleans

What influence does John Adams have on the government today?

John Adams influence on this government today is to be more professional and be ready to go to college.

What three things did monroe pledge?

The three main concepts are non-intervention, non-colonization and separate spheres of influence for Europe and America.

How did the California Missions influence how Americans live today today?

they didn't

What is a charitable pledge?

its a pledge