Which of the following is an example of French influence in the United States today? Answer: New Orleans
western civilization
The Pledge of Allegiance.
The pledge of allegiance is important because you are showing patriotism and making a promise to our flag which is our region. Also it is important because not only you are making a promise but also you are promising to God, too
New Allegiances was created on 2008-10-27.
Allegiances of the Clans has been canceled
Hippocratic Oath
Hippocratic oath
They had allegiances with the Indian Army, 'Anhuansken' that fought with them in their war against Venice from 1256- 1270. They also had an allegiance with Rome for four years while they were at peace with Venice for a short amount of time, right before the Battle of Reguan
Which of the following is an example of French influence in the United States today? Answer: New Orleans
John Adams influence on this government today is to be more professional and be ready to go to college.
The three main concepts are non-intervention, non-colonization and separate spheres of influence for Europe and America.
they didn't
its a pledge