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The cotton gin

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Q: What invention hepled to contribute to the start of the civil war and how did it help contribute to the of the civil war?
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What invention helped to contribute to the start of the civil war and how did it help to contribute to the start of the civil war?

What invention helped to contribute to the start of the civil war and how did it help contribute to

What invention helped to contribute to the start of the civil war and how did it help contribute to the start of the civil war?

What invention helped to contribute to the start of the civil war and how did it help contribute to

What invention helped to contribute to the start of the start of the Civil War?

The iPhone 5s.

What invention helped to contribute to the start of the Civil War and how did?

The iPhone 5s.

What helped to contribute to the start of the civil war how it help contribute to start of the civil war?

Several things contributed to the start of the War Between the States. The most immediate cause was the South firing on Fort Sumter. The next direct cause was the secession of the southern states from the Union.

Where did many of the Greek scholars leaving Constantinople end up?

Italy! It hepled start the Renaissance.

Did the Civil War start before or after the invention of the typewriter?

Before. The Civil War was from 1861 to 1865. The first practical typewriter was invented in 1868 and marketed in 1873. See the Related Link below.

How did the warlord era contribute to the start of the Chinese Civil War?

Answer this question… It frustrated young people and led them to embrace ideas like communism and nationalism.

How did Sun Yat-sen contribute to the start of the Chinese Civil War?

Answer this question… He formed the Chinese Nationalist Party following the collapse of the Qing dynasty.

Where did the wright brothers start their invention?

in a lab

How did the 1911 revolution that overthrew the Qing dynasty contribute to the start of the Chinese Civil War?

Answer this question… It left China with a weak central government that was challenged by several different groups.

What year did elisha graves Otis start her invention?

Elise graves Otis atrted her invention in 1850