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Hinahanap ko nga ehh saan ba pwede mag hanap?

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11y ago

very green and yummy im guessing

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Q: What is Taiwan's vegetation like?
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What is taiwans capitle?

Taipei is Taiwans capital

What is Taiwans main industries?

Taiwans main industries are fashion electronics and farming.

What are Taiwans imports?

taiwans imports include electricle products, crude oil, machinery, other metel products, and iron and steel.

What are Taiwans landmarks?

tawi-tawi, binangonan, taytay rizal

Who are taiwans trading parteners?

majorly are china, japan and the states

What are homes made of in Taiwan?

Taiwans homes are made of brik and stone

What is Taiwans culture like?

The Taiwanese culture is a hybrid blend of Confucianist Han Chinese, Japanese, European, American, global, local and Taiwanese aborigines cultures

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264 Taiwans equal to the US

What is the Vegetation like in Alice Springs?

it is al litlle vegetation

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Taiwans Gulpher sharks are eaten by the killer whale

What was the total population of Taiwan in 2008?

TAIWANS POPULATION IN 2008 WAS 999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999

How is the moon like a desert?

a desert is anything without vegetation like Antarctica so the moon is like a desert because there is no water and no vegetation