The daughter of your father's daughter is his granddaughter. She is either your niece, or your daughter.
Gandhi had a daughter called Ghandira
Your sister's daughter is your niece. You are her aunt (if you are a woman) or her uncle ( if you are a man).
A son's wife is called your daughter-in-law.
mad lairds
mad lairds
Gerald Lairds wife is Erma Runyan Farley.
I have never heard of anyone or anywhere called Burkenhead but there is a town called Birkenhead, which is on the opposite side of the River Mersey from the city of Liverpool, in England. Birkenhead was once the home of a major shipbuilding yard called Cammel Lairds.
Your brother or sister's daughter is called 'your niece.'
King Acrisius daughter was called Danae
Their daughter is called Belle
A count's daughter is typically called a "countess."
The daughter of your father's daughter is his granddaughter. She is either your niece, or your daughter.
he does not have a daughter
38° 9′ 34″ N, 122° 54′ 45″ W38.159444, -122.9125