Charles Schultz carpetbagger Daniel Henry Chamberlain carpetbagger
A scalawag is a white Southerner who works for or supports the fedaral government during reconstruction; and a carpetbagger is a Northerner who wnt South after the Civil War for political or financial reason.
carpetbagger- northerners who moved to the south and the south hated them beacuse they were like kicking them out scalawag- southern whites who supported the reconstrution Era
whats the significate of carpetbagger
A local, a native, or a resident would be antonyms for carpetbagger.
Like This : You Yankee, off my land you carpetbagger! Rofl
Charles Schultz carpetbagger Daniel Henry Chamberlain carpetbagger
Like scalawag and peckerwood, it is unknown who coined the post-Civil War term carpetbagger, but it came into common use and is still used occasionally. Some New Yorkers called Hilary Rodham-Clinton a carpetbagger when she ran for a US Senate seat in New York, which would make her something of a reverse carpetbagger.
He was a carpetbagger
Opportunist. Swindler. Leech.
Carpetbagger is a noun, meaning a Northerner who moved to the Southern US after the Civil War, and especially one seeking political or commercial advantage. The word carpetbagger also refers to an outsider who comes in only seeking to win a political position.
Vacillator, ingrate, bounder, carpetbagger...
scalawags carpetbagger and