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mandarin duck (fatchas)

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Q: What is a symbol used in Chinese weddings?
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What does double happiness symbol mean?

The double happiness symbol in Chinese culture represents joy, happiness, and good fortune, especially in the context of marriage and relationships. It is often displayed at weddings or used as a decoration to bring luck and blessings to couples. The symbol is made up of two Chinese characters for "happiness" put together, symbolizing a harmonious union or partnership.

When is the Chinese lion dance used?

This dance is used in festivities, for example Weddings or the Chinese New Year.

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What is the difference between Malay wedding and Chinese wedding?

Malay weddings is held at the void deck while Chinese weddings is held at the hotel.

The difference between Chinese and Western wedding?

In Chinese weddings, the people are usually Chinese.

Why are Chinese weddings different to australians weddings?

Maybe the biggest difference is the wedding dresses.

What is the history of Chinese garter?

The garter in Chinese society was meant to be a sign of purity. It is often still used in Western society as a fun game at weddings.

What is the Chinese symbol for 'new life'?

The Chinese symbol for 'new life' is commonly an oriental. This is usually used to mean new life or new birth.


In weddings, rice is a symbol of fertility.

What is the Chinese symbol for serenity?

The Chinese symbol for serenity is 宁静 (níng jìng). It is often used to represent a peaceful and tranquil state of mind.

What are the Chinese plus and minus symbols?

Plus symbol (chinese): + Minus symbol (chinese): -

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"Here's rosemary; that's for remembrance. Pray you love, remember."