Conform means to follow rules or guidelines.
A symmetrical arrangement of the parts of a thing.Ex: "Yes , i agree that this action will advantage our Business Principle and its Performance in the Market Place"
Confirm means to verify or corroborate.
Additional proof that something that was believed (some fact or hypothesis or theory) is correct.
Ex: "Fossils provided further confirmation of the evolutionary theory"
The difference between a shogun and a samurai is like the difference between a king and a knight.
there is no difference between this two...
Explain the difference between the vassals and the serfs
A question about "the difference between" requires two objects!
the difference between a number and 3 is
Confirm is a verb that means to make sure of something or to verify. Conform is an adjective that means to follow the guidelines or rules.
"Conform to" and "conform with" are synonyms. There is no difference in meaning between the two phrases, thus they can be used interchangeably.
A rear view will confirm the sex.
After all approve you can call approval.... Approved is to confirm
A code is a very exact description of how something must conform to. A standard is the usual way of doing a procedure or task.
High density foam is just your typical foam. It does not conform to your body when it heats up like memory foam does.
not to conform
Acknowledge is just an indication between people to identify that you have heard what some one has said or done for your attention. No response or further action may be required but you can if you wish. To confirm means that you are answering a question. eg. Q. Are you ready? A. Yes. The "yes" is the confirmation, you are confirming that you are ready.. hi whats up man
Yes. "to conform"
The difference of .2 volts is negligible. If replacing a rechargeable battery, many dealers confirm that they are compatible.
Conform is a verb.
He did not conform to the rules. The plastic seal must tightly conform to the opening to prevent leakage.