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The promotion and spread of the English language

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Q: What is one main way in which european countries imposed their culture upon the colonized?
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What is the historical reason for making catholicism the main religion in most spanish countries?

Basically, the European invaders in South America imposed their religion on the native population. This religion was usually Catholicism. This affects not only Spanish-speaking countries, but also Brazil, which was colonized by Portugal.

European nations imposed their culture upon colonies was to promote the use of?

their own language

Why do Mexicans speak Spanish?

this is a dumb question, why do Americans speak English? Mexico was colonized by Spain, Spain imposed their culture, customs,and language ,henceforth spanish became the official language.

What are the conditions imposed by the developed countries to help the backward countries?

kyoto protol imposed this condition and it was imposed to make world a better place by esp. controlling global warming!

Why do many African nations have a European language as the national language?

There are 54 countries and and about 1.11 billion people in Africa. Many factors influence the reason there are so many languages. As in other parts of the world, different countries speak different languages. Many people came to Africa to colonise it, bringing new languages. There are many tribes in Africa, many having their own languages or dialects of languages. For these and many other reasons, many languages have developed in Africa.

What might have happened if the Kushites had imposed their own culture on Egypt?

If the Kushites had imposed their own culture on Egypt they might have been able to unify Egypt, creating a superpower that would have dominated the region.

Why were African unhappy with foreign laws?

You may be asking about African-Americans (called "Negroes" back then). The only foreign laws I can think of refer to slavery-- Africans were captured and brought to work in the US (and in several other countries) against their will, with few rights and fewer opportunities. Obviously, slavery was imposed upon them and the Africans who had to endure it were, understandably, not happy about having their freedom taken away. Then again, you may be asking about colonialism-- many people in Africa found themselves colonized by European countries, which imposed their laws and customs, and often discriminated against the people from the country being colonized. For example, in British colonies, lighter skinned and more "cultured" people (those who imitated the culture of England) received preference, while people who maintained their own country's traditions and language were lower on the hierarchy. So Africans objected to foreign laws because those laws were forced upon them, and they had no say in the matter; they also had to accept the customs of their colonizers, whether they agreed with those customs or not.

How was the age of exploration financed?

The age of exploration was primarily financed by taxes imposed on the citizens of European countries. There were also private individuals that banded together to put up the funds needed for this type of exploration.

Who benefit from the unequal treaties imposed upon china?

The countries who imposed them. i.e. Britain, Japan, France, US, etc.

Why are European language the official language of some west African nations?

European languages became official in some West African nations due to colonialism. During the colonial period, European powers such as France, Britain, and Portugal established control over these regions and imposed their languages as the administrative and educational languages. This led to the continued use of European languages even after these countries gained independence.

Which statement best explains why the official languages of every Latin American country are European?

The official languages of Latin American countries are primarily European due to the history of colonization by European powers like Spain and Portugal. These colonial powers imposed their languages on the indigenous populations, leading to the widespread adoption of Spanish and Portuguese across the region.

Why is Protestant Catholic the major religion of Latin America?

The reason Roman Catholicism is the most followed religion in Latin America is, most of these territories were once conquered and settled by Spain, France and Portugal, which are overwhelmingly Catholic on their own. The new masters imposed their culture -- including religion -- upon the conquered Native American peoples.