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There is no Australian pledge of Allegiance.

Children do not recite any such pledge in school.

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Q: What is the Australian pledge of allegiance used in schools?
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Is there a proper procedure for the Pledge of Allegiance?

Proper procedure? Can either hand (left or right) be used when reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.

How can you use Pledge in a sentence?

I used Pledge to dust my cabinets. or I will pledge my allegiance to the United States.

American children start school by saying the?

American children start school by saying The Pledge of Allegiance. This used to be the case, as now most schools do not recite this at the beginning of each school day.

How is indivisible used in a sentence?

I'll give a patriotic excerpt- " nation, under God, indivisable, with liberty and justice for all." -Pledge of Allegiance

Do French police officers swear allegiance to the Republic?

No. There used to be an oath in front of a local judge, where the officer had to pledge that he will be impartial, committed to justice and public interest, but the wording didn't include the Republic. The pledge had been dropped and replaced with a written code of conduct which highlights the obligation of strict neutrality for public servants.

Why is the pledge of allegiance used in schools?

The pledge of allegiance is important because you are showing patriotism and making a promise to our flag which is our region. Also it is important because not only you are making a promise but also you are promising to God, too

What comes first the anthem or the pledge?

If both the National Anthem and the Pledge of Allegiance are going to be used at the beginning of a ceremony, the Pledge of Allegiance should come first. Normally, the Pledge of Allegiance is not used anymore because it has been ruled that it violates the rights of certain individuals.

Who made the pledge?

Francis Bellamy, authored the Pledge of Allegiance in 1892. He was a former Baptist minister who preached that Jesus was a socialist and advocated income taxation, central banking, nationalized education, nationalization of industry, and other tenets of socialism. His challenge was how to replace the federalist view of the country (where states and individual rights were sovereign) with a nationalist one that would pave the foundation for a central socialist government. The "one nation, indivisible" wording was especially important to Bellamy for achieving his vision of socialism through a consolidated, monopoly government. He even considered adding the the socialist bywords, "fraternity and equality", but knew that state superintendents of education on his committee were against equality for women and African Americans. Re-education of the public would prove difficult. But if American youth could to be taught "loyalty to the state", it would pave the way for the socialist utopia that was described in his famous socialist cousin Edward Bellamy's 'Looking Backward". The place to start would need to be primary education. The public schools could be used teach blind obedience to the central state. They planned a "National Public School Celebration" in 1892, which was the first national propaganda campaign on behalf of the Pledge of Allegiance. It was a massive campaign that involved government schools and politicians throughout the country. The government schools were promoted, along with the Pledge, while private schools, especially parochial ones, were criticized. Students were taught to recite the Pledge with their arms outstretched, palms down and then up. This was the custom in American public schools from the turn of the twentieth century until Hitler began using for his National Socialist (Nazi) party to drill loyalty into his followers. He got it from the Italian fascists, who much admired - you guessed it - American schoolchildren doing it for decades previous. Then around 1950, public school officials suddenly decided that the salute was in bad taste and changed it to the familiar hand-over-heart salute, while keeping the rest of the socialist-promoting Pledge ritual intact.

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Is the 'Pledge of Allegiance to the Bible' in the Bible?

No. The Pledge of Allegiance didn't even have the word "God" in it until about 1953. After the II World War, as the Cold War progressed, President Eisenhower and others were keen to distinguish us more from the "Godless" Communist Soviets. Eisenhower called us "a nation of believers" (I think these were the words he used). They began encroaching on the wishes of our Founders that government remain secular while society can be as religious as it wants to be. The greatest reason why it is free to do so is that secular government's job is to address only secular matters and may say nothing in law about whether the people are religious (unless and until the people's religions cross the boundary into behavior that would be illegal no matter who did it).

What was the Australian penny used for?

The Australian Penny was a coin used in the Commonwealth of Australia prior to decimalization.

Which Australian creature can be used in a game of baseball?

An Australian creature that can be used in a game of baseball would be a wombat!