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relationship between the centre and states

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Q: What is the basis of classification of governments as unitary and federal?
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What impact did john marshall have on the federal governmemt?

John Marshall had an impact on the federal government. He was the guy that laid the basis for United States constitutional law and made the Supreme Court of the United States.

Why did the Articles of confederation make it hard for congress to protect its land or citizen against foreign threats?

The articles were established on the basis of peace and did not allowe congress to create a national army

What is the only crime defined by the us constitution?

Treason; however it does refer to "high crimes and misdemeanors" as the basis for impeachment and removal from office of federal officials. It does not textually specify what these are.

Can you get sued by a foreign national for something that happened outside of the United States?

It is possible in some cases and depends on the type of claim and whether or not the U.S. courts would have some type of basis to assert jurisdiction. It has been done in the past for various reason. Family members have sued foreign governments for wrongful death cause by terrorist attacks. I believe victims of the Iran hostage situation sued Iran in federal court. It all depends on the facts of the case.

Whose is work was published in 1750 became the basis for separation of power that founded the federal government?

The work published in 1750 that became the basis for the separation of powers in the federal government was "The Spirit of the Laws" by French philosopher Charles de Montesquieu. In this book, Montesquieu proposed the concept of dividing political power among separate branches of government - the executive, legislative, and judicial - to prevent tyranny and promote checks and balances.

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What does federalism divide?

Federalism is a system of government in which a written constitution divides the powers of government on a territorial basis

What is meant by legal basis for local government?

In Canada the crown resides with the federal and provincial governments, and municipal govs are corporations owned by the province

Why must the CKM matrix be unitary?

Unitary matrices leave the expectation value unchanged. We need the mixing matrix to be unitary (to preserve the mixed quarks as a basis, to preserve length); if VCKM were not unitary, it would perhaps suggest that a fourth generation of quarks needed to be considered or included.

When the basis of classification is according to location or place the classification is called?


What is chronological classification of data?

This type of classification involves classification of the data on the basis of the time of its occurrence

What is the basis for the classification of clouds?

Clouds are classified on the basis of their form and height.

What is the classification made on the basis of race or national origin called?

Suspect Classification.

What impact did john marshall have on the federal governmemt?

John Marshall had an impact on the federal government. He was the guy that laid the basis for United States constitutional law and made the Supreme Court of the United States.

What is the basis for all classification systems?

the basis classification in the past is plant and animal. that is because it is producers make their own food and consumers and decomposers eat their food .

What is the basis for classification organism?

the similarities and differences of the organisms

What is Natural system of classification?

a natural system of classification is that system of classification in which the organism is classified on the basis of their vegitative characters which are permanent and do not change with the envoirment this system of classification avoids the grouping of hetereogeneous and un related groups of organisms according to this sytem plants are classified on the basis of evolutionary trends while as animals are classified on basis of both evolutionary and phylogenetic trends........junaid

Deciding the basis for grouping governments for study is a problem because?

The answer is there are many possible sets of characteristics by which the governments can be grouped.