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A hot and sunny climate sometimes a rainy and cold climate

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Q: What is the climate of the nez perce lived in?
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What did the nez perce lived?


When did the Nez Perce live?

The Nez Perce lived in what is now the Northwest of the US at the time the earliest European explorers got there. The Nez Perce are still alive today.

What Indian tribe lived in plateaus?

Nez Perce

What was the climate like for the Nez Perce Indians?

hot and dry

What did the Nez perce Indians live in?

they lived in tepees or longhouses

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Nez perce

What is the climate of Nez Perce?

The Nez Perce live throughout the current states of Washington and Oregon, so the climates for these states would be generally the same answer.

How did the climate affect the nez perce way of life?

They knew what was good for the and what was not

What did the nez perce tribe live in?

The Nez Perce tribe lived in both permanent and migratory structures. Their most common form of housing was called the tipi.

When did Nez Perce War happen?

Nez Perce War started when White men found out that Wallowa valley has tremendous open range for cattle. That area is where Native Americans lived.

How long have nez perce lived beside snake river?


What was the climate like where the nez perce lived?

Some 3,500 years ago, the climate in this region was more moist and cool than at ... Because of this, more Indians than at any other time lived in the Blue Mountains.