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oct 2010 goes to 22000

Nov 2010 slips to 23000

dec 2010 slumps to 19000

jan 2011 thumps to 16000

june 2011 at 14000 looking for next ride

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Q: What is the current trend of sensex?
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What is today's trend of Indian stock market?

The Indian stock market as represented by the SENSEX has been in a pronounced uptrend for the past ten years. From a low of about 17,500 last August the SENSEX has climbed to a recent price of about 25,550 or a gain of 46 percent. The SENSEX, also known as the S&P Bombay Stock Exchange Sensitive Index, is comprised of 30 of the largest blue chip companies operating in India. In 2004 the SENSEX was at 5,000. The rise of the Indian stock market was briefly interrupted by the global financial crisis of 2008 when the SENSEX plunged from 20,000 to about 10,000.

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current trend in technology? Or currrnt trend in day today life?

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There is no abbreviation for SENSEX

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by sensex system calculation

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Who coined the term sensex?

Sensex term was coined by Deepak Mohoni

Who are regulators of sensex?

Securities & Exchanges Board of India - SEBI regulates the Sensex

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Delayed parenthood is a current trend in parenthood. Men and women are waiting until they are in their 30s to begin having children.

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urban to rural.