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i think so that public limited companies are for the use of common peoples, for public.


the cooperative organizations are to help out these public limited companies to solve their problem.

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Q: What is the distinguish between public limited company and cooperative organization?
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Joint stock company?

An organization that falls between the definitions of a partnership and corporation. This type of company issues stock and allows for secondary market trading; however, stockholders are liable for company debts.

What are factors of decentralization?

Within any company, there are two types of organization - Formal Structure and Informal Structure. Both effect the organization and relationships between staffs.# The formal Organization refers to the formal relationships of authority and subordinates within a company. While the informal organization refers to the network of personal and social relations that is developed spontaneously between people associated with each other. # The primary focus of the formal organization is the position of the employee/manager holds. While the primary focus of the informal organization is the employee as an individual person. # Power is delegated from the top levels of the management down to the organization. In an informal organization power is derived from the membership of the informal groups within the organization. # In formal Organization, each position has rules governing what can be done or what cannot be done. There are rewards and penalties for complying with these rules and performing duties as well. While in an informal organization, the conduct of individuals within organization is governed by norms that is social rules of behavior.

What is the significance of a charter?

a written grant of rights by royalty for the creation of an organization, such as a company or university; also, the written description for such an organization's functions a written grant of rights by royalty for the creation of an organization, such as a company or university; also, the written description for such an organization's functions

What is shared values?

Shared values are implicit fundamental ideas, principles, and beliefs that belong to a business or an organization. . The shared values guide the decisions that the members and employees of the organization make.

When and between who was the Battle of Bedara fought?

It was fought between the armies of English East India company & Dutch army in 1759.

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Would the electric company be a nonprofit or a profit organization?

Electric company is a profit organization now a days the share of electric companies increases very rapidly. Only Cooperative socities are nonprofit organizations.

What is the population of Unity Cooperative Company?

Unity Cooperative Company's population is 49.

What is the difference between a cooperative and a public liability company?

Gummies chips and especuly macarony

How do you distinguish between Airbus and Boeing?

airbus is a european company, while boeing is an american company.

WHAT IS Difference between organization and corporation?

joint-stock company

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accompany-go with company- corporate organization, group of soldiers

Battlefield bad company cooperative?

No, it isn't.

What are the differences between intrapreneur and extrapreneur?

An extrapreneur creates a company; an intrapreneur creates an organization within an existing organization, or simply develops business of an existing company.

What organization controlled Manhattan between 1626 and 1664?

The Dutch West India company was the organization that controlled Manhattan in the 1626 to 1664.

What factors distinguish a partnership from a company Under what circumstances would you consider the company a better business structure than a partnership in Australia?

* the members of a business venture created by contract * a cooperative relationship between people or groups who agree to share responsibility for achieving some specific goal; "effective language learning is a partnership between school, teacher and student"; "the action teams worked in partnership with the government" * a contract between two or more persons who agree to pool talent and money and share profits or losses