African rock art is the oldest form of art from the continent of Africa. Rock paintings and engravings are what make up African rock art.
ancient Greece and Rome
Oscar Swan: At the age of 72, he was the oldest sportsman to compete in the 1920 Summer Olympics. In fact, he was the oldest athlete ever to compete in the Olympics. His best results were in the team competitions: a fourth place in the single shot running deer event, and a second place in the double shot running deer contest. With this silver medal, he is also the oldest medalist of any colour of all time (not counting the art competitions).
Dada was an art style of the early 20th century. Try reading about the historical era to learn how to make the art. Try
match each artistic movement with a work art that represents it?
Wrestling is considered the oldest martial art, pictures have been found that are thousands of years old. Boxing is probably second in age.
Chauvet cave paintings.
His work is Op Art.
His oldest surviving work is from 1491, when Michelangelo was 16.
I have not attended, but know people who have. The work falls under the Contemporary and Performance art movements. Film can also be involved when the performance pieces are recorded.
Answer this question… Analyze the work of other historians to draw conclusions
Look at the work of art and describe what you see
Indians paintings on rocks.
Cave paintings, I believe.
The web address of the Frick Art And Historical Center is:
Art history seeks to explain why a work of art was made and where that artwork fits within human history. To understand this, art history looks to the history surrounding a work of art. This includes its immediate historical context: things such as its patron, who it was made by, where the work of art was kept, and what other artworks & artists may have influenced the artwork's appearance and the way it was made. Art historians also look at a work's wider historical context, which can encompass any wars, religious changes, advances in technology and changes in industry that may have affected the way (or reason) in which a work of art was produced. Art historians may also consider an artist's own personal life and how their experiences affected their artistic production. Finally, art history may also look at the affect an artwork had on society, especially if an artwork caused an uproar or was widely revered by other artists.
The Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts is the oldest art gallery and school in the United States. It was first founded in 1805, and is also a school.