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This was known as the scriptorium.

In this room monks would hand copy books - especially Bibles - before the days of printing. Therefore, in the middle ages Bibles were extremely expensive. They were so expensive that the large Bibles that were kept on the lecterns in churches were often padlocked there to prevent theft.

Sometimes in a scriptorium highly trained monks would copy The Bible for several hours every day. Occasionally in monasteries the scriptoria would hold many dozens of monks copying page after page on an 'assembly line' as in a factory. As each page was copied it would be checked and double checked and then passed on to the 'illuminator' who would decorate the page with real gold leaf illustrations. Finally, when all the pages were assembled in order, the book would be bound. In those days, therefore, the production of books was a labour-intensive activity, and extortionately expensive,

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Q: What is the part of a monastery that monks copied books in?
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What did monks teach in the middle ages?

The responsibilities of monks did not include teaching. Only those few children sent to join the monastery would be taught, and only by the magister puerum (master of the boys) who was responsible for looking after and educating them - the other monks played no part in this.Education consisted of learning to read, write and speak Latin, often using passages from Classical authors or simply the service books used in the Holy Offices (church services). There would be frequent verbal tests to check on progress. The boys would also be taught the daily routine of the monastery, how to behave, how to dress and undress without exposing themselves, how to obey and respect their elders and how to find their way around the precinct if sent on an errand.

Are there monks and nuns in an Eastern Orthodox Church?

There have been monks and nuns in the Orthodox Church from as early as the Third Century AD. Since then, Orthodoxy has maintained a strong monastic presence in most countries, but particularly in Greece, Russia and Serbia. In recent decades, Orthodox monasticism has spread to countries such as the USA, Canada, Britain and Australia, with many monks and nuns coming from former Catholic and Protestant backgrounds. One particular monastery in the US today, in Arizona, has over 40 monks, most of whom are former Protestants. Even many African Americans are discovering the richness of the Orthodox Faith, and have established the St Moses the Black Orthodox brotherhood. The Orthodox Church regards monasteries as being the 'lungs' of the Church, and therefore an essential part of the faith.

What is index to books?

index is a part of the book that tells you were every thing in the book is

What happened to the monasties when Henry closed them?

For the most part they were sold to wealthy private buyers amongst the Nobility and Gentry! Both Catholic and Protestant bought them! The money went in to the Kings Coffers, while the monks and nuns obtained pensions and carried on some sort of religious life,quite often. Some monasteries were turned in to schools and other monies gained from the monasteries went to pay the cost of bishoprics that were formed.

Why did monks a nuns performed many different duties in the middle ages?

around that time, religion was a major part of peoples lives, so becoming a monk would have been seen as bringing them closer to god, as well as being a fairly safe profession, with the guarantee of food and a roof over your head if you were willing to work the land that each monastery had.

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What is a scriptorium?

A medieval scriptorium was the room, or building, usually part of a church or monastery where books and documents were copied by hand before the invention of a printing press or movable typeset. Usually an orator would read the book to be copied aloud and multiple writers would copy it. It was in these scriptoria that the most beautiful illuminated books were produced during the medieval period.

What is scriptorium?

A medieval scriptorium was the room, or building, usually part of a church or monastery where books and documents were copied by hand before the invention of a printing press or movable typeset. Usually an orator would read the book to be copied aloud and multiple writers would copy it. It was in these scriptoria that the most beautiful illuminated books were produced during the medieval period.

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Other individuals who might work at a monastery include monks, nuns, priests, novices, lay brothers or sisters, and volunteers. Support staff such as cooks, cleaners, gardeners, and administrative personnel could also be part of the monastery community.

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What is the medieval scriptorium?

A medieval scriptorium was the room, or building, usually part of a church or monastery where books and documents were copied by hand before the invention of a printing press or movable typeset. Usually an orator would read the book to be copied aloud and multiple writers would copy it. It was in these scriptoria that the most beautiful illuminated books were produced during the medieval period.

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The responsibilities of monks did not include teaching. Only those few children sent to join the monastery would be taught, and only by the magister puerum (master of the boys) who was responsible for looking after and educating them - the other monks played no part in this.Education consisted of learning to read, write and speak Latin, often using passages from Classical authors or simply the service books used in the Holy Offices (church services). There would be frequent verbal tests to check on progress. The boys would also be taught the daily routine of the monastery, how to behave, how to dress and undress without exposing themselves, how to obey and respect their elders and how to find their way around the precinct if sent on an errand.

What is the purpose of a monastery?

I am from a country with lot's of monasteries, there purpose are the monks to stay as far away from civilization as possible and dedicate themselves to God so they do not give in to "sin".They live a very quiet life full of prayer.The purpose of a monastery s to provide group living space and work space for monks or nuns.

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Monasteries were typically organized around a clear hierarchy, with an abbot at the top overseeing the monks or nuns. Each monastery had specific rules or guidelines for daily life and worship, such as the Rule of Saint Benedict for Benedictine monasteries. Monks and nuns would participate in communal prayer, work, and study as part of their daily routine.

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